I personally think that everything that you touch, smell, see and experience in life, determine what you like and the things you do. I was born in a place where houses are one next to the other one, where all of them are painted different and with vivid colors, as if a kid had drawn them. It looks very pretty by the way. This place is called Maracaibo, Venezuela.
My parents are form Argentina and Venezuela, and my grandparents form Spain, Italy, Argentina and Venezuela. I now live in Seattle, WA. This sounds like a very crazy mix but it’s actually very fun and rich. Because of this, I think most of the things that I make have an international influence. I don’t really follow fashion trends; I just make things that seem beautiful to my eyes. This is why I love everything I do.
I love living in Seattle with my husband, surrounded by green. I’m a psychologist, but I don’t “work” as a psychologist, I just use what I’ve learned to help other people when they need me.
I’m dedicated to make jewelry as I conceive it. Attending fairs, having a Blog, a Facebook group, an Etsy Shop, Jewelry Home-Parties and a husband, takes must of my time. I can’t imagine when I’ll have kids! I have always felt the more I do something, the better I get at it and the faster I can get it done. So it’s always a learning process, which I love.
I’m 8 years old, but I pretend to act like my chronological age (25), nobody really believes it, that’s why I look so serious in my picture, maybe someone will.
I love colors, textures, vintage rings, vintage metal boxes, handmade clothes, gems and stones, cookies (oh, I love cookies!), key lime tart, lying down in the snow and vegetarian dishes. This list goes on and on, these are just a few to mention.
I believe in creating a new world promoting handmade goods, recycling, and doing things with love. I like to try new things, explore materials, designs and shapes, so my creations are always new and lots of fun!
I love how you put the joy and collorfull of your spirit in your work, you are beautifull and so it is your jewelry...te amo sis